Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Nursing shortage essay

Nursing shortage essay

Nursing Shortage Essays Examples Essays (Examples),Recent Posts

Nursing Shortage is a problem we all should be aware of. There are many factors that may lead to a nursing shortage, such as having stressful and unsafe working environments, and our nurses are being overworked. This is a problem we should be aware of because it is affecting the patient care WebFeb 9,  · With the nursing shortage, it puts more stress on the nurses which may result in the nurses leaving the facility in which they are employed. While the patient WebThe Americans for Nursing Shortage Relief (ANSR) Alliance represents a diverse cross-section of health care and other related organizations, health care providers, and WebThe nursing shortage is a growing problem in the United States. There are not enough nurses to care for all the patients who need them. This shortage is expected to get worse WebAug 5,  · Essay on Nursing Shortage. The nursing shortage issue has been a major issue in healthcare delivery in the United States with the government ... read more

Nurses have worked as advocates in multiple settings such as factories, communities, hospitals, nursing homes, and several other facilities. Nurses are stepping into roles such as mediators between patients, physicians, and institutions. Nurses playing the role of advocators has protected the lives of thousands of people and counting. As an RN, the advocate role is performed every day. They are able to perform certain tasks that relate to this role, unlike UAPs and LPNs. Even though, LPNs and UAPs are not the direct source that is questioning a task or decisions, they are still advocating for that individual by discussing it with a registered nurse or a supervisor.

The role of an advocate is being performed by other health care professionals every time they come in contact with a patient. Today nationwide, the shortage of nurses is the most common problem affecting the healthcare system. By , the United States is predicted to have a shortage of over 1 million nurses Zolot, The nursing shortage has become an issue to where there is a large demand of patients needing care and a small supply of nurses to provide the adequate care needed. One of the problems that is causing such a large nursing shortage is the shortage of nursing faculty at universities. Approximately, 76, students were denied admission to nursing programs due to the lack of faculty and clinical resources Emerson, In , a total of faculty vacancies were cited Emerson, Researchers have stated that the reasons for these issues are mainly because of degree requirements, demands of academic setting, retirement age, workload, and salary Emerson, Universities are requiring their nursing program staff to receive more education and higher degree requirements which is decreasing the individuals who are willing to teach.

The demand of the teaching setting is increasing the instructors workload and stress due to the individuals not having experience in the field of education and are becoming overwhelmed. The retirement age for nursing instructors is decreasing as the years go by. The average retirement age for instructors has reached The biggest issue with a shortage of instructors is the salary comparison between nursing instructors and working nurses. As a whole, the shortage of faculty is playing a large role in the issue with the nursing shortages.

In the field of nursing, the increase in workload is effecting the shortage of nurses. This relationship is effecting the quality of care that patients are receiving from the assigned nurse. With the workload rising, nurses are becoming burnt out and the turnover rate is increasing at an annual rate of Facilities are requiring nurses to work long, stretched shifts which is adding to the revolving issue of shortage. With the older population of nurses reaching retirement age, more nursing positions are needing to be filled. The baby boomer generation is increasing the shortage because of retirement, aging, and experiencing age-related illness that keep them from working Richardson, As the population ages, there becomes an increased demand of health services which increases the need for nurses.

Nursing shortages have increased over the last couple decades and are going to keep increasing until a solution is developed. Hospitals are working alongside universities to encourage and increase the ability for individuals to attend colleges for nursing. One solution to the issue of nursing shortages would be to minimize financial barriers when apply for college. Colleges such as Cleveland State University CSU , are providing opportunities for evening and weekend BSN programs Zolot, These programs are admitting 64 students annually. The solution to one of the problems is to give the students an incentive to start the program and finish. As the workload and turnover rates are increasing, the incentive for nurses to work should be too. Facilities need to improve benefits, offer flexible work hours, implement career ladder, and offer better pay Richardson, Programs such as the transition to practice program should be implemented for new graduate nurses Africa, The components of the program are communication, preceptoring, mentoring, time management, and outcomes Africa, The field of nursing has more roles and responsibilities than what can be discussed.

As nurses do their duty, there are issues in the field that are being solved on a day to day basis. Nursing shortage is just one of many issues in the career of a nurse.? Nursing Shortage: solutions of the problem. com, Oct 16, Accessed February 7, com , Oct Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. If the Nurse Practitioner obtains a certification as a nurse specialists in pediatrics, oncology, geriatrics, emergency medicine, etc. there are scopes and standards of practices that the practitioner must not act outside of ANA, There are also state regulation scopes of practices that allow for Nurse Practitioners to practice independently, with reduced practice, and with restricted practice.

Along with these practice environments, Nurse Practitioners must abide by facility and institutional policy and procedures that outline their scope of practice ANA, There are very few states that still allow Nurse Practitioners to practice without a national certification. These states in the future may require the nurses however to in fact take national certification as more employers and third party insurers for malpractice are looking. Nurses shortage is one of the significant issues in current nursing in Singapore and also in other countries. Nursing shortages are unmeasureble, and they may be defined as professional capacity standards from an economical view. The baby boomer generation is entering a stage that requires additional healthcare resources, a reality that is supported by the fact that the geriatric population is expected to increase up to The projected increase in geriatric population is proportionately linked with the increased demands of healthcare services directly translating increased pressure on the health care system.

If large amounts of nursing students continue to fail the NCLEX examination, the pressure increases on nurses who are currently practicing in Canada to meet the needs of the aging. As we transition into the new role of NPs, our scope of practice expands. Moreover, as our responsibilities increase, we later become policy makers, and develop autonomy and decision—making skills. NPs are responsible for providing safe nursing care with more specialized knowledge and advanced education. We are also responsible for pursuing continuing education and advanced knowledge to remain competent quality providers, and meet the needs of the community.

With our acquired repertoire of skills, it is essential that we utilize them to make informed decisions and collaborate with our community to promote wellness and healthy living. The DNP student stated that she has not implemented her project yet and it could not be discussed at the moment. The DNP student did discuss on how everyone, whether a nurse or not, can advocate for the community. DNP essential eight: Advanced Nursing Practice is not just entitiled to practice in hospitals. These individuals practice in hospitals, clinics, home health, and in the. In this essay, the student will discuss a proposal, through the legislative process, suggest that Permit accredited community college offering RN to BSN program into law to make the IOM recommendation become reality.

Registerd Nursing Thesis: I chose to do Registered Nursing RN as my senior project. Because, ive always liked to help people and see people smile and i just think that this is the perfect proffesion for me and ive alawys wanted to be a nurse. Right now, nurses all over the country are busy taking care of sick patients. Healthcare is continually evolving and changing. These patients are often complex with multiple medical problems that need to be managed. IPL Essay On Nursing Shortage. An issue […]. Vandemark described the nursing home as being almost like a ghost town Rau, And while he is […].

In , AANA has established and implemented a certification program. By , they introduced a nurse anesthesia educational program, which was accredited by the U. Department of Education in AANA also has […]. The organization provides the highest level of specialized healthcare in an integrated educational and research setting. The setup […]. Nursing is a noble profession in which nurses have to provide medical health and care to the patients selflessly. This profession requires hard work, vast professional knowledge and great communication skills.

Nurses must be passionate about their work. Nurses should be physically and mentally capable as they have to face unique […]. Chapter 1 Introduction 1. This has placed retention issues on the political agenda. Nursing shortage is one of the greatest problems for the hospitals in the UK. Hospitals are placing greater importance on retaining their current registered skilled staff. Management have to know […]. Nurse and Physician shortages are the key elements to unrealistic workloads. Due to the staffing issue, higher demands on the nurses affect the care of the patients. Fedele, Even through varies mental health issues and even physical problems Physicians are expected to work their entire shifts despite how they may be feeling.

Burnout is a different level of regular stress; […]. Citation 1: Richardson, Karlene. Accessed 1 Nov. Annotation 1: This scholarly journal is about the effects that aging baby boomers, born , will have on the health care system in the United States. Not only do the daily numbers of 65 years olds increase the need for patient care of the elderly, the nursing workforce is also […]. After the Japanese fleet bombed Pearl Harbor surprisingly killing many US soldiers in December , the United States entered into World War II. The United States during the war required a tremendous amount of manpower that was needed. This created a lot of opportunities for American women to serve in many roles and occupations that was mostly occupied by […].

Throughout history in the United States of America if you were sick usually you would be taken care of by your family, friends, and neighbors who were knowledgeable in ways to heal sicknesses. In the United States being cared for in the sick individuals home remained traditional until the nineteenth century. These practices usually happened in the homes of the sick individuals and sometimes you were taken care of by someone who you were not related. But there were times […]. There is a plethora of challenges in the nursing profession and healthcare field today. Many of which result in effecting patients. They are responsible for providing the best care to aid patients in recovering back to optimal health.

Nurses are crucial in delivering high quality care to all patients. However, a major problem that seems to stand out are the effects of nurse to patient ratios. Nurse staffing is measured in […]. On June 3, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the healthcare industry increased its number of employees by 44, from April to May of that year. Among these new healthcare professionals, Registered Nurses made up almost a fifth of the employees hired during this one-month period, leading some to believe that there is no longer a nursing shortage Bureau of Labor and Statistics, However, the fact that there are somewhere between , to , available […].

We need to communicate with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals to be successful at our jobs.

The field of nursing holds multiple roles and responsibilities that lead individuals into different aspects of the career field. Many of the roles that a nurse plays a part in are caregiver, manager, educator, advocate, and more. The down side to working in healthcare is the multitude of issues that people have to deal with, such as staff shortages, needle stick incidents, and HIPPA violations. After years of research, individuals have begun developing possible solutions to several of the major nursing issues that every nurse deals with on a daily basis. A nurse is not defined by just one role, but by several specific roles and responsibilities.

There is a long list of roles that the nurse plays a part in during their daily work routine. Caregiver, manager, educator, and advocate are just some of the major roles that are easily recognized by other individuals, such as patients and other healthcare professionals. There are several tasks that are involved in the nursing roles that can be delegated to other health care professionals. These individuals consist of LPNs and UAPs. UAP stands for an unlicensed assistive personnel, and LPN is the abbreviation for licensed practical nurse. Due to having less education than RNs, LPNs and UAPs are restricted to specific tasks compared to the wide ability of a registered nurse. All of the nursing roles are combined together and performed to benefit the patient in every way possible.

Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works. The role of a caregiver is not limited to one task, but a multitude of duties. As a care provider, the RN assist the individual with activities of daily living, medication administration, ambulation, and more. The RN provides comfort to the patient during the times of good news, as well as the heartache of bad. The registered nurse comforts the family just as often as they do with the patient. As a healer and nurturer, the nurse administrates treatments to help the individual become healthy before being discharged. Therefore, a caregiver is one of the most important and essential roles in nursing. As a licensed practical nurse or an unlicensed assistive personnel, the role of a caregiver is slightly different compared to a registered nurse.

The LPN is still able to provide medication administration, where as an UAP is not. In most hospitals, nurses usually have their RN or even higher educational status. In the case of a licensed practical nurse working in a hospital, they are able to provide the same care as a registered nurse except for tasks that involve extensive intravenous care. These tasks include: starting or discontinuing IV catheters or fluids, critical medications that are related to the heart or blood pressure, administrating IV push medications, or care of central IV lines Working as a Licensed Practical Nurse LPN , Compared to a registered nurse, LPNs and UAPs provide care that is just as important as the larger tasks that RNs provide on a daily basis.

The second role that is important when it come to taking care of patients is managing the situation at hand. The term manager was not established for this role until the late s. The role was first named as charge nurse, supervisor, and coordinator. The manager role is one that is typically given to a registered nurse or an individual with higher education. In the hospital setting, LPNs and UAPs are not qualified as a manager, where as in the case of the nursing home setting, LPNs have the ability to hold the position of manager or leader of a specific unit. In these setting, LPNs are able to plan care for patients, manage their health status, provide physicians with information, as well as receive information about the patient from the doctor Working as a Licensed, Though in hospitals, licensed practical nurses are unable to take verbal or phone orders from physicians Working as a Licensed, Unlicensed assistive personnel are never seen in this position due to not having education as a nurse.

Therefore, the role as a manager throughout most health care setting is given to individuals who are known as RNs. An important role in providing care for a patient is for the nurse to be able to educate the individual. The educator role is also seen as a counselor and community teacher. A major role as an educator is helping the patient understand what information is needed to make a critical decision regarding the right treatment for their health. Before an individual is discharged from the hospital, the nurse is obligated to educate the patient on all the information needed after leaving the unit, such as restrictions, diets, or follow-up appointments.

The role as an educator is important because if the patients were not educated properly, then they would not have the knowledge to make adequate decisions regarding their health. When educating an individual pertaining to an important decision or making sure they understand the discharge plan that was put into place, in hospital setting an individual who is typically a registered nurse is put into that role. UAPs are never placed in the role of an educator due to not having graduated with the education that a registered nurse has. LPNs on the other hand are able to perform this role in certain health care settings. The major health care setting where licensed practical nurses are seen as educators are in nursing home facilities.

They educate patients on the proper ways of performing certain tasks bathing, dressing , making choices regarding treatment, and educating staff on proper techniques when assisting patients Working as a Licensed, The role as an advocate is one of the most important in the field of nursing. In the s, three nurse leaders, advocated for patients when individuals who were unqualified as nurses were trying to care for the ill. The state nursing board has advocated for the community when they decided that all practicing nurses have to take a written exam known as the NCLEX to measure their knowledge pertaining to nursing. These laws have protected patients from being cared for by incompetent individuals. Nurses have worked as advocates in multiple settings such as factories, communities, hospitals, nursing homes, and several other facilities.

Nurses are stepping into roles such as mediators between patients, physicians, and institutions. Nurses playing the role of advocators has protected the lives of thousands of people and counting. As an RN, the advocate role is performed every day. They are able to perform certain tasks that relate to this role, unlike UAPs and LPNs. Even though, LPNs and UAPs are not the direct source that is questioning a task or decisions, they are still advocating for that individual by discussing it with a registered nurse or a supervisor. The role of an advocate is being performed by other health care professionals every time they come in contact with a patient.

Today nationwide, the shortage of nurses is the most common problem affecting the healthcare system. By , the United States is predicted to have a shortage of over 1 million nurses Zolot, The nursing shortage has become an issue to where there is a large demand of patients needing care and a small supply of nurses to provide the adequate care needed. One of the problems that is causing such a large nursing shortage is the shortage of nursing faculty at universities. Approximately, 76, students were denied admission to nursing programs due to the lack of faculty and clinical resources Emerson, In , a total of faculty vacancies were cited Emerson, Researchers have stated that the reasons for these issues are mainly because of degree requirements, demands of academic setting, retirement age, workload, and salary Emerson, Universities are requiring their nursing program staff to receive more education and higher degree requirements which is decreasing the individuals who are willing to teach.

The demand of the teaching setting is increasing the instructors workload and stress due to the individuals not having experience in the field of education and are becoming overwhelmed. The retirement age for nursing instructors is decreasing as the years go by. The average retirement age for instructors has reached The biggest issue with a shortage of instructors is the salary comparison between nursing instructors and working nurses. As a whole, the shortage of faculty is playing a large role in the issue with the nursing shortages. In the field of nursing, the increase in workload is effecting the shortage of nurses. This relationship is effecting the quality of care that patients are receiving from the assigned nurse.

With the workload rising, nurses are becoming burnt out and the turnover rate is increasing at an annual rate of Facilities are requiring nurses to work long, stretched shifts which is adding to the revolving issue of shortage. With the older population of nurses reaching retirement age, more nursing positions are needing to be filled. The baby boomer generation is increasing the shortage because of retirement, aging, and experiencing age-related illness that keep them from working Richardson, As the population ages, there becomes an increased demand of health services which increases the need for nurses. Nursing shortages have increased over the last couple decades and are going to keep increasing until a solution is developed. Hospitals are working alongside universities to encourage and increase the ability for individuals to attend colleges for nursing.

One solution to the issue of nursing shortages would be to minimize financial barriers when apply for college. Colleges such as Cleveland State University CSU , are providing opportunities for evening and weekend BSN programs Zolot, These programs are admitting 64 students annually. The solution to one of the problems is to give the students an incentive to start the program and finish. As the workload and turnover rates are increasing, the incentive for nurses to work should be too. Facilities need to improve benefits, offer flexible work hours, implement career ladder, and offer better pay Richardson, Programs such as the transition to practice program should be implemented for new graduate nurses Africa, The components of the program are communication, preceptoring, mentoring, time management, and outcomes Africa, The field of nursing has more roles and responsibilities than what can be discussed.

As nurses do their duty, there are issues in the field that are being solved on a day to day basis. Nursing shortage is just one of many issues in the career of a nurse.? Nursing Shortage: solutions of the problem. com, Oct 16, Accessed February 7, com , Oct Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay.

Essay On Nursing Shortage,The Pros And Cons Of Nursing Shortage

WebThe Americans for Nursing Shortage Relief (ANSR) Alliance represents a diverse cross-section of health care and other related organizations, health care providers, and Nursing Shortage is a problem we all should be aware of. There are many factors that may lead to a nursing shortage, such as having stressful and unsafe working environments, and our nurses are being overworked. This is a problem we should be aware of because it is affecting the patient care WebSep 29,  · The nursing shortage refers to any situation in which the labor market cannot keep up with patient demands. Causes of the nursing shortage include poor WebNursing shortages have occurred in the past, but the factors involved in the current nursing shortage are different, because of the increased use of and demand for WebFeb 9,  · With the nursing shortage, it puts more stress on the nurses which may result in the nurses leaving the facility in which they are employed. While the patient WebAug 5,  · Essay on Nursing Shortage. The nursing shortage issue has been a major issue in healthcare delivery in the United States with the government ... read more

Nursing Shortage Essay Words: Journal of Nursing. The nursing shortage also has a negative impact nurses themselves. And Auerbach, D. Sackett, D. Although there have been nursing shortages reported off and on for the past 60 years Spetz, , the labor force has been able to gradually "correct itself" over time; however, in this case the shortage is…. Show More.

Marquis B. United States Department of Veterans Affairs. The term manager was not established for this role until the late s, nursing shortage essay. Cite this page Nursing Shortage: solutions of the problem. The economy has been on a roller coaster ride since the last five years or so. Nursing shortage essay mentor… References AACN web site. This is to mean that for delivery of effective health care to patients, the right number of nurses should always be maintained in an organization.

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