Child Labor Essay: Thesis, Examples, & Writing Guide [2023],FAQs on Child Labour Essay
WebJan 29, · In a child labor argumentative essay, you need to convince that your point has a right to exist. You should use some evidence to support it. You also need to WebIntroduction: child labor argument essay Childhood is a vital and powerful experience in each individual’s lifetime. It is the most important and impressionable period of learning. WebThe purpose of this essay is to discuss child labour and possible prevention. Child labour is when a child under the legal age (fifteen) are made to do work that is physically and WebFeb 26, · The Child labor main goal in the state of New Jersey is to protect minors from exploitation by employers or forced and hard labor. The laws define the kind of ... read more
Laws that are intended to shield youngsters from unsafe work are ineffectual and not executed accurately. Elimination of poverty, the abolition of child trafficking and compulsory and free education and training can help diminish the issue of child labour. Strict implementation of work laws is additionally a basic requirement with the end goal to counteract abuse by organisations. Amendments in the present child labour laws are required to actually take control of the situation. The base of the age of fourteen years should be expanded to something like eighteen. Then only we can put an end to the continuous harassment faced by our kids and help them have a bright future not only for themselves for the nation as a whole.
Child labour is a social issue in India and abroad where kids are exploited by organized and unorganized sectors of industry. The issue of child labour is quite prominent in dominating countries like India where families belonging to poor or weaker sections push their kids to work to earn instead of educating them. Such kids are easy prey for industries that are always on the look for cheap labour. It is estimated that around million children in India are engaged in some sort of industry work. Of the total number of children working in the industry. Child Labour Act in India was introduced 10 years back to protect the rights of the children.
Unfortunately, even after a recorded number of child labour in various industries, there has not been a single reported case of child exploitation or illegal child labour. There is no forum in place to protect their rights and expose the exploiters. Child labour is a crime to humanity as kids below the age of 18 years are pushed to work in coal industries, construction, fireworks and more. They are forced to work as domestic help, brick kiln workers and bid rollers against their abilities and without seeking their consent. It is saddening to know that the country where children are regarded as the future are forced to work for money.
Another staggering fact is that children belonging to the affluent family takes up job in industries out of excitement and to earn extra money. In short, cultural and economic factors interact in India to encourage kids to work. The issue of child labour can be dealt with only after understanding the real cause behind kids working in the industries. The children should be encouraged to speak up for themselves and say no to child labour. Child labor is an important topic that is being debated as a serious social issue all around the world. Keeping the society aware of this issue will help to avoid such illegal and inhuman activity from destroying the lives of many children.
Child Labor is something that replaces the normal activities a child, like education, playing, etc. The age limit is restricted to fourteen years or even seventeen years in case of dangerous works. Children may be forced to do child labor because of poverty and financial problems in their family. Many owners accept child labors since they only need a less amount as salary or even some accept non-monetary jobs too. Children are often made to do such hard jobs by their irresponsible parents. They send their kids for domestic works for the money as well as for food they get through these works. These demanding works often spoil the childhood and give a harder way of living to the kid.
Parents allow their children for such jobs because of lack of awareness too. When they are too poor to take admissions in schools and the lack of good schools in their locality may also lead to such activities. Not all form of jobs done by children are considered as child labor, but there are some things to note while categorizing them. Whether the job done mentally, morally, physically and socially affect the child in a dangerous way? Does the job done affect their education and other childhood activities like playing? These are the characteristics of Child Labor.
In extreme ways, there are owners who treat children like slaves and separate them from their families to do such hard jobs. Whatever be the job done, child labor depends on the age of the kid involved, type of activity and hours of work they do per day. As a conclusion, children are meant to be enjoying their childhood and should be allowed to educate themselves at early ages. There are many schemes introduced by the government to reduce such child labors like providing free education and taking severe actions against those who promote child labor. Child labor is illegal exploitation of children below the age It is a cognizable criminal offense.
Indian Child Labor Prohibition and Regulation Act, and subsequent amendment of CLPR Act prohibits employing children below the age of Children under the age of 14 even should not be employed as domestic help. Child labor is a bane to any country. It is a shameful practice and rampant more in developing and underdeveloped countries. Child labor is a hot topic in India among intellectual communities and political circles; still this social evil is seamlessly being practiced in our country, with the blessing of bureaucracy and political patronage. It is high time to eradicate child labor from our society and punish the unscrupulous people who have been continuing the evil practice.
The development of any nation begins with the welfare of children. At an age adorned with colors and pranks, the tiny tots wither away their innocence in hazardous working conditions devoid of any childish fantasies. At a tender age, the toddlers take up responsibilities to feed their families, and there could be many reasons that might have forced the children to work as a breadwinner. They strive hard day and night to feed their entire family. They sacrifice their lives, for their family even without knowing the personal repercussions in their later life. This trend must have to stop at any cost. A practical solution to keep this social menace at bay is to organize awareness programs and introduce stringent laws which force children not to work or employ them as child labor.
Some unscrupulous and merciless people appoint them because of cheap labor, as they have no bargaining power or no other choice but to succumb to their destiny. Parents from the vulnerable section required proper advice and counseling to make them understand the importance of education. The government should come forward to identifying such families by offering social security without cast and religion consideration. The government should provide free boarding education for such financially backward communities, irrespective of any consideration. The only consideration must be their financial status. Moreover, the existing laws pertaining to child labor must have, and if required, a proper amendment should be made to the Child Labor Act to stop the social evil system.
Then only our dreams of a child labor free India, come true. Greedy employees, poverty, poor financial background, lack of education are the main reason for child labor. It is the responsibility of government, social organization and society to address the issue for finding a permanent solution. Children are the asset of the nation. When they fail, the country fails, period. One of the cruelest crimes that are done to the children is the child labor in which the kids are forced to do work at a tiny age. They are compelled to earn like adults for supporting their families economically. As per the International Labour Organization, the children who have not attained the age of 15 should not get forcefully involved in any kind of work.
Employing children in work at an early age make their childhood deprived of the right to education along with the lack of mental, physical and social welfare. As per the Indian law, the children under the 14 years of age should not be hired to any work at the workshops, organizations or restaurants. Their parents cannot also force them to do any job. There are numerous causes of child labor like repression of child rights, poverty, improper education, limited rules and laws on child labor, etc. The reasons for the child labor are almost the same in different nations. The high level of unemployment and the problem of poverty in developing countries are the primary cause of child labor.
As per the statistics of U. The lack of right to regular education is one of the reasons for child labor in numerous nations. According to the research done in the year, , nearly 76 million kids have not seen the face of the school. Violating the regulations about the child labor has also provided the way to enlarge this problem in developing nations. Insufficient social control has resulted in an increasing percentage of child labor in the region of domestic work or agriculture. Small kids have to get involved in the child labor to add up in the income of their family so that they can eat food for at least two times a day.
With the purpose to eradicate the problem of: child labor from society, there is the necessity to follow certain effective way out on a serious basis to protect the future of an emerging nation. Constructing new unions might benefit in stopping child labor since it will inspire more people to support against the point of child labor. The parents should consider the education of their children as the priority from their childhood. In this movement, the schools should also cooperate by providing free education to the children without any obstruction. There should be a high level of social awareness regarding child labor with the accurate statistics of enormous damage in the future for any emerging nation.
Every single family should earn their minimum earnings with the purpose of surviving and preventing the problem of child labor. It will also decrease the number of people living below the poverty line in the country which ultimately reduces the child labor cause. There is the requirement of more strict and effective government rules against the child employment with the aim of preventing the kids from working at their early age. The child laborers must be substituted by the adult labors so that the adult can get the job and kids get free from the child labor. The opportunities for employment for the adults must be increased for adults to decrease the issue of poverty as well as child labor. Trade proprietors of manufacturing work, businesses, mines, etc.
Child labor is one of the broad social issues that require getting resolved on an urgent basis. This step is incomplete without the support of parents as well as the government. Kids carry a flourishing prospect of any developing nation. Thus, they should be a considerable concern of all the citizens. Children should get appropriate chance to grow and develop inside the contented surroundings of school and family. People should not use them for their earnings or for-profit motive. Children have full right to live their personal life with proper education. Children are a gift and blessing to a family. They deserve the unconditional love and care of the parents. It is inhuman to take advantage of their innocence and helplessness. However in India, a lot of children are being subjected to child labour, probably due to lack of awareness.
They are deprived of a happy and normal childhood. Child Labour involves engaging children to produce goods or services for financial gain. It denies their right to attend regular school and enjoy a happy childhood. It rips their capacity in the bud to have a good future. It affects the overall development of their physical and mental faculties. When children are involved in full or part time work, it affects their schooling, recreation and rest. Poverty is the foremost cause of child labour in India.
Indian children have the history of labouring with their parents in their professional activities. However, the right of that child for education and normal childhood is denied in the process. Some illiterate parents often subject their children to bonded labour. Unaware of the exorbitant interest rates, they exploit their children by allowing to labour against their debt. Sometimes, the non-availability of affordable education in the villages are a cause of child labour. In such cases, they are not in a position to abide by the law. Rather than stealing and begging, they tend to allow their children to labour at a young age.
Sometimes, greediness of men play a part in child labour. The parents, who wish to increase the economic status of the family subject their children to labour. The employers, on their part, prefer child labourers against adults, taking advantage of the low labour cost. Some families traditionally believe that the next generation should continue their family business. The children of these families are restricted to pursue their own goals in terms of education and career. In the Indian Society, there are still people who believe that girl children are fit only for domestic chores. So, girls often lose their right for education and normal childhood. Child labour laws were formulated to prevent child labour, monitor and punish violators, and rehabilitate the victims.
They were laid down as early as during the colonial rule. But, year after year, during the various Government regimes, several amendments were made. The overall development of their sound spirit, soul and body was emphasized. The policy underlined the right of the child to enjoy a happy childhood, to clear the causes that dampen their development, to educate the society to strengthen family ties and to protect them from all kinds of mistreatment. In the policy, the rights of the child to survive, to enjoy good health, to be nourished with nutritious food, to have overall development of their personality, their opportunity for good education, their protection from abuse and participation in decision-making of their future life were the key priorities.
This policy is due for review every five years. The Government is working close with social agencies and common public to solve the issues of child labour. Since , National Child Labour Project Scheme NCLPS started to reinstate the rescued child labourers working in hazardous occupations. When children are rescued, they are enrolled in Special Training Centres and given education, meals, stipend, health care and recreation. Eventually, they are directed towards mainstream education. Adolescents rescued are given skilled trainings and suitable jobs. The present Government has revived this scheme in with the latest use of technology to register child labour complaints online.
Since the community and local governance have definite roles in the welfare of a child, many programmes are being conducted to create awareness and sensitize the common people. Several coordination and action groups have been formed at State and District levels to monitor. The Ministry of Women and Child Development MWCD is the nodal Ministry that oversees and coordinates the implementation of the current policy. The Government and the stakeholders like him, with their organisations, are working closely to root out this social evil by If not, try to broaden or change your primary focus. The introduction is where you need to provide the background information and a short overview of what will be in the following paragraphs.
Include all the explanations and sources that might be hard to understand. You can start with a hook introducing surprising information or asking a provocative question. Define why the topic is important and why the readers should pay attention to the issue. Introduce the point of view that you will prove in the paper. It is better to begin writing an essay with this part. Your thesis statement should be the last sentence of your introduction paragraph. Provide arguments and counterarguments. In other words, you have to make a list of the reasons that prove and rebut your opinion. Introduce the evidence that supports your and opposing points and explain its importance.
Each paragraph should revolve around a particular idea. You can include a transition sentence at the end of each passage. Do that if you feel it will bring more logic to your writing. In this paragraph, provide a summary of the evidence. Make sure you answered the questions that you stated in the introduction. Explain the significance of your point and research. Suggest ways of further research and investigation of the topic. It is also the right moment to review your essay. If you see that your conclusion is not logical enough, return to your argumentation line.
It will help you to identify the flows and fix the conclusion. Topic: Should there be a minimum age requirement for work on small farms and family businesses? In the United States, half a million child farmworkers work in fields. Some start working full time even before they reach the age of ten. There should be a minimum age regulation of 15 years for children working for their parents. Besides, chemicals used in agriculture are dangerous for health. Children are less physically developed than adults. Also, children need more time to recover from challenging physical activities. That is why they need to work not more than three hours a day.
And from at least 15 years to handle the physical challenges. Studies need time and effort. Working instead of doing homework is the worst decision for school performance. Children should have an opportunity to devote enough time to their studies. Pesticides increase the risk for cancer in children. It includes leukemia, acute leukemia, and lymphoma risks. Children who work in agriculture are three times more likely to get cancer than adults exposed to carcinogenic effects. Writing a persuasive essay is also a good opportunity to develop this topic. You can raise important questions which involve morality and ways of fighting the problem. Also, you can assess and propose strategies that can help to eliminate the issue.
In a persuasive essay, you need to convince your readers that you are right. To do this, you need to gather some logical evidence and prove your point using it. It involves less thorough academic research than an argumentative essay. However, you need to find a way to reach your readers. There is a five-paragraph structure in this essay. A thesis statement plays a key role. You need to explain your point of view on the issue there. Then, provide the supporting evidence and the background information using persuasive language. Always make sure that the logic of your essay follows your thesis statement. Each of the paragraphs should represent one idea that appears in the thesis statement. Summarize your writing and paraphrase the child labor thesis statement.
Mention all of your arguments again and explain why they make your opinion the only correct option. Some readers will remember only this part of the paper, so do your best to make the last impression. You can also call people to action at the end of the essay. These topics are perfect both for persuasive essays and speeches. Pick your title from our selection:. Such industries as fast fashion take advantage of children. Children work in all the stages of the cotton supply chain. That is why fast fashion brands are so cheap. Buying cheap clothes might be pleasant, but we should know its price. The cotton industry exposes children to dangerous chemicals and machinery. They have to carry heavy loads and work in extreme temperatures. The food supply is not enough, and the working hours exceed the limit.
Employers generally see children as more obedient workers who cannot stand for their rights. Buying cheap clothes encourages cotton industries to involve more children in their production cycles. Business models of such companies make their products not last long, making us buy more goods and employers hire more children. Instead, we need to buy clothes of better quality that will serve us longer. Child labor is generally one big problem that needs a solution. That is why you can write a very good essay on this topic. But better focus on specific issues rather than on the general problem. In this passage, we prepared some tips, an outline, and a selection of child labor essay titles for a problem solution essay.
Both have a five-paragraph structure, but the logic might differ. A problem-solution essay about child labor aims to identify the specific problem and offer logical solutions. It should encourage the readers to take a particular course of action. First of all, you need to describe the background of the problem. Write about the situation and how it evolved. Then explain why it does require a solution. Briefly describe the contents of the following paragraphs. If there are subtopics, mention all of them. Finish your introduction with a thesis statement. If needed, provide explanations or some definitions. Do it only if you know that your audience needs some clarification.
At first, you need to research the topic and narrow it down to a particular problem. Then prepare the best solutions, and describe why they are feasible. Make a summary of the main points of the body paragraphs. Restate the thesis and evaluate the suggested solutions. Answer all the questions you have mentioned in the introductory paragraph. After finishing the conclusion, return to your child labor essay introduction and body. Proofread the spelling and grammar. Make sure that the writing is logical and solid. Child labor deprives children of obtaining proper education, which is the leading cause of global poverty.
That is why it becomes harder for them to find well-paid jobs. To break the cycle of poverty, we should ensure children have access to schools. Volunteering in developed countries can help with that. Building more schools means that children from remote areas will have an opportunity to visit them. Providing access to the Internet to encourage online education is also a solution to this problem. While both methods are pricey, it is an investment that will pay off when these children start working. People from developed countries can play a significant role in eliminating child labor. Volunteer teachers can educate children and train local teachers. Encouraging volunteers to spend a couple of months in developing countries can help a lot.
Gap year students and young specialists can take part in projects and initiatives to help end child labor. The government needs to ensure funding for families, especially those which consist of many children. Such financial support can include stipends for low income. Parents can send their children to school knowing they will be financially safe.
Children have always been apprentices and servants all over human history. However, the Industrial Revolution increased the use of child labor in the world. It became a global problem that is relevant even today when such employment is illegal. Our professional writers gathered facts and tips that can help you with a paper on this topic. Nail your essay writing about child labor: thesis statement, introduction, and conclusion. Its structure depends on the type of your assignment : argumentative, persuasive, for and against child labor essay. However, you should pay close attention to your thesis statement about child labor as the subject is quite delicate. We hope that now you have some ideas on what to write about. Nevertheless, if you still need some help with writing , you can check the child labor essay example:.
The involvement of child labor became increasingly popular during the Industrial revolution. The factories ensured the growth in the overall standard of living, a sharp drop in the mortality rate in cities, including children. It caused unprecedented population growth. And with the help of machines, even physically weak people could work. They could be installed quite closely to save the factory space. For example, there were scavengers and scribes in the cotton factories:. Needless to say, that child labor conditions were far from perfect.
The situation began to change in the early s during social reform in the United States. The restricting child labor laws were passed as part of the progressive movement. During the Great Depression , child labor issues raised again because of lacking open jobs to adults. The National Industrial Recovery Act codes significantly reduced child labor in America. You can mention slavery and human trafficking linked to the issue even today. You may refer to international laws or analyze legislative acts in different countries.
For example, the Fair Labor Standards Act determines age restrictions, jobs allowed for teenagers, and necessary paperwork. How old were you when you got your first job? Was it hard? Share with us your experience and advice in the comments below! Send this page to those who might require help with their child labor essay. Do you mind if I quote a few of your posts as long as I provide credit and sources back to your weblog? My website is in the exact same niche as yours, and my visitors would genuinely benefit from some of the Infomation you provide here. Please let me know if this okay with you. When composing, the students learn to analyze the works conducted by other researchers.
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Use discount. Delivered on time! Place the order and get your paper in 3 hours , plagiarism-free! The thesis statement should reveal your position on the issue. The main body aims to support your thesis with numerous examples and evidence. Each paragraph should present a specific argument. In general, these ideas serve to prove your child labor thesis. You have to exemplify them with real facts, so research beforehand. In this part of your essay, you have to present why child labor is widely-spread nowadays. Are there some positive factors for it? What jobs can be done by children? Give a list of possible careers, and present short descriptions of the duties children have to fulfill.
Explain your job choice. How can we reduce child labor? Elaborate on why taking care of our young generation is crucial. What would you offer to reduce child labor? It should present the final idea that you have come up with while conducting your research. Make a point by approving or disapproving your thesis statement about child labor. Child Labor: Poverty and Armed Conflicts as the Main Causes. Learn more. Scavengers had to be small and fast. They crawled all day under the spinning looms, collected the fallen pieces of cotton, inhaled cotton dust, and dodged the working mechanisms. Scribes walked around the shop and sorted the threads that ran along with the machine.
It was estimated that the child was passing about 24 miles during the working day. Learn More. According to ILO, it is one of the significant causes of child labor. Children have to work to support their families. Lack of access to education. An absence of school or its distant location and low quality of education affect children around the globe. Unaffordable tuition in local schools drives children to harmful labor. In some developing countries, it is common for children and adolescents to help their parents in a family business. They earn their pocket money because people believe such work allows children to develop skills and build character. The growth of a low-paying informal economy. This macroeconomic factor explains acceptability and demand for child labor.
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention. Minimum Age Convention. Medical Examination of Young Persons Industry Convention. International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor. Child Labor Deterrence Act of You can also find extra information on companies that use child labor. Child labor and social worker interventions. Child labor in the fashion industry. Child labor, its forms, and disputable issues. Child labor in Ghanaian and Bangladeshi industries. Ethics in business: child labor in the chocolate industry.
Massive industrialization and modern child labor.
Essay on Child Labour,Start Your WordPress Blog
WebFeb 26, · The Child labor main goal in the state of New Jersey is to protect minors from exploitation by employers or forced and hard labor. The laws define the kind of WebThe purpose of this essay is to discuss child labour and possible prevention. Child labour is when a child under the legal age (fifteen) are made to do work that is physically and WebJan 29, · In a child labor argumentative essay, you need to convince that your point has a right to exist. You should use some evidence to support it. You also need to WebIntroduction: child labor argument essay Childhood is a vital and powerful experience in each individual’s lifetime. It is the most important and impressionable period of learning. ... read more
The age limit of these children ranges between 5 to 14 years. Join more than 50, subscribers receiving regular updates! Include all the explanations and sources that might be hard to understand. I have been a writer for over 25 years. I have written several award winning screenplays and work also work as a freelance writer. The kind of affection and love needed at such a tender age is never available to them. Performance Performance.
Facebook Google. Moreover, essay writing on child labour, awareness of family planning needs to be created among these people. My job is to work with you to reach your goals! People from developed countries can play a significant role in eliminating child labor. The overall development of their sound spirit, soul and body was emphasized.
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