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Essay on nature

Essay on nature

Essay on Nature | 800+ Words Paragraph on Nature,Other Essays

WebEssays about nature can look at the impact of human behavior on the environment, or on the impact of nature on human beings. Check out these suggestions. Nature is one of WebEssays on Nature The Nature Of Nature: My View On Nature. Presently, however, I would like to back up and epitomize the fire as a chief Nature And Nature Essay. Nature WebSep 20,  · The nature is a force that takes us into the world of imagination and produces lofty ideas and feelings if those emotions and feelings are caged and WebApr 7,  · Nature is the most divine creation of god around us, it is considered an integral part of mankind. Nature has bestowed us with water, air, plants and much ... read more

Nature has given people many gifts. Our food all comes from nature in its most basic form, from fruits and vegetables to milk and meats. It provides the foundation for many medicines and remedies. These gifts alone make it worth protecting. Yet nature does much more. It also gives the gift of better mental health. It can inspire feelings of wonder in people of all ages. Finally, it provides beauty and tranquility that you cannot reproduce anywhere else. This essay is more descriptive and reflective than factual, but it can be an exciting topic to explore. Can humans live without nature? Based on the topics already discussed, the answer is no.

You can use this fact to create an essay that connects nature to the sustenance of human life. Without nature, we cannot survive. One way to look at this importance is to consider the honey bee. The honey bee seems like a simple part of the natural world, yet it is one of the most essential. Without bees, fruits and vegetables will not get pollinated as easily, if at all. If bees disappear, the entire food system will struggle. Thus, bees, and many other parts of nature, are vital to human life. Have you ever felt fully inspired by a glorious sunset or sunrise? Have you spent time gazing at a mountain peak or the ocean water crashing on the shoreline and found your soul refreshed?

Write about one of these experiences in your essay. Use descriptive words to show how the non-living parts of nature are beautiful, just like the living creatures and plants that are part of nature. Draw from personal experiences of things you have seen in nature to make this essay rich and engaging. Ecotourism is tourism designed to expose people to nature. Nature tours, safaris, and even jungle or rainforest experiences are all examples of ecotourism. It seems like ecotourism would help the environment by making people more aware, but does it really?

For your essay, research if ecotourism helps or hurts the environment. If you find it does both, consider arguing which is more impactful, the positive side or the negative side. On the positive side, ecotourism emphasizes sustainability in travel and highlights the plight of endangered species, leading to initiatives that protect local ecosystems. On the negative side, ecotourism can hurt the ecosystems at the same time by bringing humans into the environment, which automatically changes it. Weigh these pros and cons to see which side you fall on.

For more help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing? Sustainability is the practice of taking care of human needs and economic needs while also protecting the natural environment for future generations. But do sustainable practices work? This essay topic lets you look at popular eco-friendly practices and determine if they are helpful to the environment, or not. For example, many people think they are doing something good when tossing a plastic bottle in the recycling bin, but most recycling centers simply throw away the bottle if that little plastic ring is present, so your effort is wasted. A better practice is using a reusable water bottle. Consider different examples like this to show how sustainability can help the environment, but only when done well.

Agriculture is one way that humans interact with and change the natural environment. They give everything they have for us, protect us, feed us but expect nothing in return. In short, nature is the very creation of life. Nature has given us so much to ponder at. It has become the center of the creation of many arts and ideas. It is the inspiration and guiding factor for many. All great poets in the world have mentioned nature in their writings too. There are so many scenic and beautiful landscapes on earth such as the great valleys, oceans, mountains, wildlife, etc. People travel for miles to see a sunset, explore a certain naturally made place, enjoy the scenery. It all gives us a sense of relaxation as one ponders and gets lost in the beauty of nature.

Nature itself is very breathtaking. Although it is our duty to protect nature and be thankful for what it has given us, it is also very powerful. The elements such as wildlife, plants, structures, wind, water are all under it. If one goes missing or anything happens to it, the future of mankind will be catastrophic. Rain and the sun, the two most important element that helps us sustain are also derived from nature. This proves to show how powerful it is. The term nature cannot be defined and it is an abstract concept. But in conclusion, all the activities we are performing in comfort nowadays are because nature has been sustaining itself.

We, humans, are the most advanced species on Earth. It is without a doubt that the human mind is unlike any and it has given rise to inventions that people thought would not be possible in the past. It also goes to show that we dominate all the other species. But at this rate of our technological advancements, nature is getting polluted at a very fast rate. All though the day it changes it beauty like in the morning when sun rises everything looks bright orange and then yellowish. In the evening when sun sets it again becomes dark orange and then light dark. The nature has everything for us but we do not have anything for it even we are destroying its property day by day to just fulfill our selfish wishes.

In the modern technological world lots of inventions are getting launched daily without its advantage and disadvantage to the nature. It is our responsibility to save the declining assets of our nature to make possible the existence of life forever on the earth. If we do not take any step towards nature conservation, we are keeping our future generations at danger. We should understood its worth and value and try to maintain its natural shape. Nature is the most precious and valuable gift to us from the God to live our life here on the earth. Nature makes our life easy by providing all the required resources for daily living.

We should thankful to our nature for helping, caring and nurturing us like a mother. We can enjoy the sweet sound and scenery of the nature if we peacefully sit in the early morning in the garden. Our nature is adorned with lots of scenic beauty which we can enjoy anytime. Earth has geographical beauty and known as the city of garden or heaven. But it is sad to say that such beautiful gifts of God are declining day by day due to the technological advancement and high level of ignorance of the human beings. Nature is like our real mother which never harms us but always nourishes us.

Walking in the lap of nature in the early morning makes us healthy and strong as well as keeps us away from many lethal diseases like diabetes, chronic heart diseases, high blood pressure, liver problem, digestive system ailments, infections, brain disease, etc. It is good for our health to hear the soft sound of the birds, rattle of the breeze, sound of running fresh air, sound of running water in the river, etc in the early morning. Most of the poets, writers and people used to of yoga and meditation are seen in the early morning in the garden to re-energize their body, mind and soul.

Nature is the most important and integral part of the lives of everyone. Everyone has been blessed with the true love of God in the form of beautiful nature. We should never miss the pleasure of enjoying the nature. Nature has been the most favourite topic of the works of many famous poets, writers, painters and artists. Nature is the beautiful creation of the God which he blessed to us as a precious gift. Nature is everything which surrounds us like water, air, land, sky, fire, river, forests, animals, birds, plants, sun, moon, stars, sea, lake, rain, thunder, storm, etc. Nature is very colourful and has both living and non-living things in its lap. Everything in the nature has their own power and uniqueness provided by the God.

It has its many forms which are changing by season to season and even from minute to minute such as sea looks bright blue in the morning but by noon it looks emerald green colour. Sky changes its colour all through the day from pale pink at sunrise, dazzling blue in late morning, bright orange in evening at sunset and purple by twilight. Our mood also gets changed according to the nature such as happy and hopeful at sun shine, rainy season and spring season. We feel heartily happy at moonlight and little bored and tired in high sun light. Nature has some powerful transformative power which changes our mood and behaviour accordingly. Nature has power to recover the patients from their diseases if they are provided with the required and pleasant environment.

Nature is very essential for our healthy life so we should keep it clean and conserve it for our future generations. We should cut trees and forests, should not despoil the ocean, rivers, should not make hole in ozone layer, should not increase green house effect, global warming and many more through our selfish activities.

Along with essay writers from AffordablePapers. com we would like to represent you the following essay sample. Read a short essay on nature in English language for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and How we can describe essay on beauty of nature or essay on nature conservation or essay on importance of nature. Nature is the most divine creation of god around us, it is considered an integral part of mankind. Nature has bestowed us with water, air, plants and much more to make us survive on this planet. But are we paying back to our mother nature? The answer is no as we have not only failed in paying back but also exploited nature to a great extent. Human life is possible because of nature and its various boons. Mother nature is a gift of God and must be respected just like we respect and love our mothers.

Nature is a unique blessing to us, everything created by God on this earth has some purpose and order in life. The radiant rivers, the shining valleys, huge mountains, blue oceans, white sky, the sun, the rain, the moon and the list is non-ending. All these things have some order and serve a purpose in life. Despite all this, we are still doing activities that are not only harmful but can cause real devastation to nature all around. There are numerous creatures on this planet and every single creature serves a defined purpose in the ecosystem. Humans, on the other hand, are trying to disturb this ecosystem by entering into the places and things they are not supposed to enter. They are creating an imbalance in the ecological cycle of the environment and thus creating havoc all around.

Everything we do is dependent on nature. In fact, our life is possible because of this beautiful nature. We depend on water, air, fire for our survival and then again we are exploiting the same things we completely rely on. We, humans, are continuously abusing our mother nature and are not even thinking about its consequences. Development is a slow process and destruction can be done in a wink of an eye. We need to create awareness among people to stop this continuous process of destruction. Human activities must be done in a sustainable way to ensure the development of a nation without causing any harm to our mother nature. It is essential to understand that we should not take advantage of some of the finest blessings of god-nature. Environment Essay.

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13 Essays About Nature: Use These For Your Next Assignment,Essay About Nature

WebEssays on Nature The Nature Of Nature: My View On Nature. Presently, however, I would like to back up and epitomize the fire as a chief Nature And Nature Essay. Nature WebApr 7,  · Nature is the most divine creation of god around us, it is considered an integral part of mankind. Nature has bestowed us with water, air, plants and much WebEssays about nature can look at the impact of human behavior on the environment, or on the impact of nature on human beings. Check out these suggestions. Nature is one of WebSep 20,  · The nature is a force that takes us into the world of imagination and produces lofty ideas and feelings if those emotions and feelings are caged and ... read more

Good Essays. Earth has geographical beauty and known as the city of garden or heaven. Furthermore, it will prove that technology and nature are connected through a device that has the capability to purify air and produce oxygen which is called the Handtree. Weigh these pros and cons to see which side you fall on. Yet, when the school.

You can explore the dangers of global warming and how it potentially impacts future generations. Animals such as the essay on nature represent Naomi's helplessness and innocence as she lived in a world without her mother or knowledge of her history, essay on nature. Our human nature is a mixture of our own personal beliefs and views as well as the perceptions of our surrounding environment and the society we reside in. Paragraph on Nature. How Happiness Is Related to Nature Connectedness 2.

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