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Causes and effects of obesity essay

Causes and effects of obesity essay

Obesity in America: Cause and Effect Essay Sample,Persuasive Essay On Bad Diets

WebObesity can affect ones social, psychological, health, and health and wellness lives. Obesity can be a fatal disease causing many deaths not only in America but around the WebObesity in America: Cause and Effect Essay Sample Causes of Obesity. Every phenomenon must have a reason. In order to write a cause and effect essay, you need WebBeing obese can lead to other serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes, asthma, liver and kidney disease, high blood pressure, heart diseases, different WebJul 27,  · The biggest causes or reasons behind mushrooming obesity include lack of physical activity and poor eating habits such as eating at the wrong time or switching to WebCauses of Obesity: Sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, junk food, medications and some diseases such as hypothyroidism are considered as the factors which lead to obesity. Even ... read more

Now on fashion shows and magazine covers, you can see not only a girl with perfectly retouched skin and without a single hint of body fat but also an ordinary person with its inherent features: overweight, wrinkles, hair, and individual skin features. In general, all the things that we are all so familiar with in real life. Does it really make that much sense? Is this a positive thing in terms of the cause and effect topic regarding obesity? In short, opinions are divided. Not everyone manages to do it. Researchers have concluded that due to plus size having become positioned as a variant of the norm, more persons have become obese.

Many obese Americans have formed the opinion that it is really quite normal, and they have become oblivious to the damage it does to their health. This is what we are going to focus on next. We all know that obesity is dangerous to health. However, medical studies show that most adults are unaware of the number of complications and diseases that obesity in America entails. So they are fairly comfortable with becoming gradually fatter. But indifference is replaced by concern when obesity related diseases begin to occur.

For interesting examples of students writing that also reveal the causes and effects of other phenomena, consult the custom essay service offering essays by professionals. In this way, you will realize the importance of highlighting the effects right after the causes. Is obesity an aesthetic disadvantage, an inconvenience, a limitation in physical activity or is it an illness after all? How does it affect health, and what are the consequences? The visible signs of obesity are by no means the only complication associated with this condition. Obesity creates a high risk of life-threatening diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack, myocardial infarction, and kidney and liver problems.

Moreover, it can also lead to disability. This is the most serious and damaging impact on the body and blood vessels in particular. Every extra kilo is a huge additional load on the heart. Obesity increases the risk of heart attacks. Experts from the American Heart Association have developed a paper on the relationship between obesity and cardiovascular disease, which discusses the impact of obesity on the diagnosis and outcomes of patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias. Childhood obesity aggravates the course of cardiovascular disease from a very early age. The fact that even kids and adolescents are obese is associated with high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia.

The result is excessive insulin production in the body. This, in turn, leads to an overabundance of insulin in the blood, which makes the peripheral tissues more resistant to it. As a consequence of the above, sodium metabolism is disturbed, and blood pressure rises. It is important to remember that excessive carbohydrate food intake leads to increased production of insulin by the pancreas. Excess insulin in the human body easily converts glucose into fat. And obesity reduces tissue sensitivity to insulin itself. This kind of vicious circle leads to type 2 diabetes. Other community factors that influence obesity include the affordability of healthy food options, peer and social supports, marketing and promotion, and policies that determine community design.

Genetic changes in human populations occur too slowly to be responsible for the obesity epidemic. Yet variants in several genes may contribute to obesity by increasing hunger and food intake. Rarely, a specific variant of a single gene monogenic obesity causes a clear pattern of inherited obesity within a family. Drugs such as steroids and some antidepressants may also cause weight gain. Research continues on the role of other factors such as chemical exposures and the role of the microbiome. These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site.

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These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes by these third parties. Thank you for taking the time to confirm your preferences. If you need to go back and make any changes, you can always do so by going to our Privacy Policy page. Skip directly to site content Skip directly to page options Skip directly to A-Z link. Section Navigation. Causes of Obesity Obesity refers to the condition of having an extra amount of body fat. Obesity is caused by eating too much and moving too little. This shows that people should become more physically active and attempt to make healthier choices because their. Obesity is known to produce a number of stress and inflammation responses in the body that lead to the activation of the inflammatory signalling molecules, Jun NH2-terminal kinase JNK and inhibitory kB kinase IKK.

Activation of these pathways plays a key part in the development of insulin resistance followed by progression to diabetes as they greatly affect inflammatory responses, insulin signalling, and lipid and glucose homeostatis Nakamura et al. For example, activating the JNK pathway. Childhood obesity is a major medical disease in united states that affects children and adolescents. That happens when they over the normal weight for their ages and height. It will affect them in many ways. Obesity is most likely happens when both of the parents are working full time and don't have the time to cook proper healthy meal for their child. Its sad now a days to see a child with. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention defines obesity as having a BMI over 30 CDC.

In the year , roughly 30 percent of 20 year olds in America were obese. By that number had risen to 32 percent. That is a small window of increase. From the s to the early s, the percent of obese Americans doubled. This means that in , only 15 percent of Americans were obese, and in the thirty years following, obesity took a sharp rise. In , 13 percent of Americans were obese. are considered to be obese. Obesity has been a fast growing problem in the U. for more than a decade. Obesity is an increasing problem that leads to significant health and social difficulties for people. Obesity is generally caused by consuming more calories than you burn off through physical activity through your day. Obesity is gaining in numbers of people. An Exploration of the causes and effects of obesity Obesity is excess body fat.

At the same time, BMI was classified into four conditions. Firstly, when the BMI less than Secondly, Thirdly, overweight is Finally, exceeding you know that worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since ? In , thirty- five percent of adult that are aged twenty and older and are overweight , eleven percent of them are obese. Since the early s, the prevalence of obesity among adults more than doubled, increasing from adults age 20 and older. The weight may come from muscle, fat , bones or body water. Cardiovascular disease and musculoskeletal disorders are all caused obesity.. Diseases like cancer ,diabetes. Tiffany Nali Period 3 May 20, Cause and Effect Essay on Obesity Obesity is one of the main topics in America including one of the main reasons of death.

Never have there have been so many teens and children not only overweight but obese.

Maintaining good body weight is highly recommended by medical doctors as a way of promoting a healthy status of the body. This is to say that there is allowed body weight, which a person is supposed to maintain. Extreme deviations from this weight expose a person to several health complications. While being underweight is not encouraged, cases of people who are overweight and increasing effects of this condition have raised concerns over the need of addressing the issue of obesity in the society today, where statistics are rising day and night. What is obesity? While this is the case, people who have a BMI of between 25 and 29 and considered to be overweight. Obesity has a wide-range of negative effects, which may be a threat to the life of a person.

The fist effect of obesity is that it encourages laziness in the society. It is doubtless that obese people find it hard and strenuous to move from one point to the other because of accumulated fats. As a result, most of these people lead a sedentary lifestyle, which is usually characterized by minimal or no movement. In such scenarios, victims prefer being helped doing basic activities, including moving from one point to another. Moreover, laziness makes one to be inactive and unproductive. For example, a student who is obese may find it hard to attend to his or her homework and class assignments, thus affecting performance. With regard to physical exercises, obese people perceive exercises as punishment, which is not meant for them Korbonits As a result, they do not accept simple activities like jogging because of their inability to move.

In line with this, obese people cannot participate in games like soccer, athletics, and rugby among others. Based on this sedentary lifestyle, obese people spend a lot of their time watching television, movies, and playing video games, which worsen the situation. The main effect of obesity is health complications. Research indicates that most of the killer diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, and high blood pressure are largely associated with obesity. In the United States, obesity-related complications cost the nation approximately billion USD and result into 0. When there is increase in body fat, it means that the body requires more nutrients and oxygen to support body tissues Burniat Since these elements can only be transported by the blood to various parts of the body, the workload of the heart is increased.

This increase in the workload of the heart exerts pressure on blood vessels, leading to high blood pressure. An increase in the heart rate may also be dangerous due to the inability of the body to supply required blood to various parts. Moreover, obesity causes diabetes, especially among adults as the body may become resistant to insulin. This resistance may lead to a high level of blood sugar, which is fatal. Besides health complications, obesity causes an array of psychological effects, including inferiority complex among victims. Obese people suffer from depression, emanating from negative self-esteem and societal rejection.

In some cases, people who become obese lose their friends and may get disapproval from teachers and other personalities Korbonits This is mainly based on the assumption that people become obese due to lack of self-discipline. In extreme cases, obese people may not be considered for promotion at workplaces, because of the negative perception held against them. Due to inferiority complex, obese people avoid being in public and prefer being alone. This is because they imagine how the world sees them and may also find it hard being involved in public activities because of their sizes. This further makes them to consider themselves unattractive based on their deviation from what is considered as the normal body size and shape.

Regardless of how obese people are treated, they always believe that they are being undermined because of their body size. In summary, obesity is a major cause of premature deaths in the United States and around the world. This health condition occurs when there is excess accumulation of body fat, caused by unhealthy lifestyles. Obesity is largely associated with several killer diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and diseases of the heart. These diseases drain world economies since most of them are fatal and expensive to manage. Additionally, obesity promotes sedentary life where victims minimize movement by adopting an inactive lifestyle.

Moreover, obese victims suffer psychologically because of societal rejection. In general, obesity has a wide-range of negative effects, which may be a threat to the life of a person. Burniat, Walter. Child and Adolescent Obesity: Causes and Consequences, Prevention and Management. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? Causes and Effects of Obesity Essay. Table of Contents. Introduction Laziness as the Main Cause of Obesity Social Effects of Obesity Effects of Obesity: Health Complications Conclusion Bibliography. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Causes and Effects of Obesity Essay specifically for you!

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Leading Causes and Effects of Obesity IELTS Essay,Laziness as the Main Cause of Obesity

WebJul 27,  · The biggest causes or reasons behind mushrooming obesity include lack of physical activity and poor eating habits such as eating at the wrong time or switching to WebBeing obese can lead to other serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes, asthma, liver and kidney disease, high blood pressure, heart diseases, different WebObesity has significant effects for health and it is linked to a wide range of diseases. One of the disease that is normally caused by obesity is coronary heart disease. Coronary heart WebObesity in America: Cause and Effect Essay Sample Causes of Obesity. Every phenomenon must have a reason. In order to write a cause and effect essay, you need WebObesity can affect ones social, psychological, health, and health and wellness lives. Obesity can be a fatal disease causing many deaths not only in America but around the WebObesity is caused by eating too much and moving too little. When an individual’s amount of body fat becomes too high, they are at a greater risk of being affected with life changing ... read more

The visible signs of obesity are by no means the only complication associated with this condition. Therefore, the public has to recognize the need to establish and implement national and childhood obesity epidemic prevention programs. Online Coaching Preparation Books IELTS Pie Chart Essay in IELTS IELTS at Home Table Chart Task 1 How to Get 9 Bands Improve Vocabulary Venue of IELTS Exam Speaking Introduction Task 1 Samples. Obesity : Causes And Effects Words 10 Pages. An increase in the heart rate may also be dangerous due to the inability of the body to supply required blood to various parts. Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you.

Obesity can be calculated by BMI which is body mass index. Many factors can contribute to excess weight gain including eating patterns, physical activity levels, and sleep routines, causes and effects of obesity essay. Take enough of omega fatty acids. It is a funny thought but that is almost what it is made to seem like. Furthermore, people who have poor diets can affect other people around them; therefore, it is important to have the government advises what food will be healthy to put in daily meal.

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